iPhone BAND

Band is a collection of virtual instruments that allows anyone, regardless of musical ability, to go beyond just listening to other people's music on the iPhone or iPod Touch, and actually create music themselves from scratch.

On of the first serious music apps on the iPhone, Band was demoed live on-stage during the Steve Jobs Keynote at WWDC 2008 to huge applause. It was in the top five downloaded apps at the launch of the App Store, went on to be listed as one of the Top 10 Music Apps for 2008, and has been in the Music App charts ever since. Band has been featured in, amongst other things, the 'Best iPhone Apps' book [O'Reilly Media, 2009] and the 'iPhone App Directory' book [Image Publishing, 2009].

A number of instruments are provided (drums, piano, bass guitar, blues guitar, and crowd) that make full use of the multi-touch abilities of the iPhone to allow you to play complex chords in real time. As well as hearing the note, you will be able to see the screen react instantly to your touch: piano keys really depress and bass guitar strings really strum.

All the instruments can be recorded, overdubbed, and mixed together into a song, which can be stored for later playback. Instruments have individual volume and pan settings, and can be muted or 'soloed' during playback.

A configurable metronome can be enabled during recording to help you to keep in time, and, if you make a mistake: simply erase the last few notes, overdub, or instrument, from the mix and record it again.


P.S. Последнее очень понравилось!! И игра на iPhone и исполнение)))